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ECTACO English-German Accent Remover 1.3.45

ECTACO English-German Accent Remover 1.3.45

ECTACO English-German Accent Remover Publisher's Description

ECTACO Crystal CleanTM Accent Remover is a German-to-English phrase bank with speech recognition capability.
This software is developed for you by ECTACO, Inc.

When you start studying a foreign language and try to pronounce your first phrases, it is helpful to have a practice aid - a cassette, CD or even a native speaker. It is almost impossible to learn how to speak correctly on your own.
Now you have a new, thoroughly contemporary way to study language - ECTACO Accent Remover for Pocket PC!

ECTACO Accent Remover functions

The main function of the AR is help in learning English language. With the AR, learning is natural and does not take much effort - by simply listening or repeating the phrases often, you will remember them easily.
The latest speech recognition technology allows you to perfect your English pronunciation without using a dictionary or taking lessons from a teacher. This makes the device a powerful foreign language learning aid.

How ECTACO Accent Remover works

ECTACO Crystal CleanTM AR contains approximately 2500 phrases. These phrases were especially selected to satisfy 80% of the communication requirements of travelers abroad. All the phrases were read by a professional American announcer. For the convenience of the user, all of the phrases in the AR are presented in 12 subject categories (topics) and 64 subtopics.
You read a phrase in your native language and say its translation in English. ECTACO Accent Remover gives you an example of proper pronunciation and grades your own pronunciation, thereby coaching you just like a real teacher.
Registration is needed to access the full database.

Main features of ECTACO Accent Remover

  • Advanced speech recognition system LingvobitTM.
  • About 2500 common English phrases in 12 topics and 64 subtopics.
  • Statistical Analysis.
  • Exam Mode - specially formulated for instructors.
  • Modern design.

Similar software developed by ECTACO, Inc

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Quotes from our customers and reviewers

  • "...phrases are presented in 12 subject categories that make the program easy to operate. All the phrases were recorded using the voice of a professional native American English - speaking announcer. ...You may be a beginner or maybe you know the language well, but if your pronunciation is far from what you hear on CNN, then Accent Remover is for you!"
    James Borden,
  • "...Der Accent Remover ist für User mit Deutsch als Muttersprache gedacht, die Englisch lernen oder ihr Englisch verbessern wollen bzw. müssen. .... So bekommt man im Laufe der Zeit eine Gespür für die korrekte Betonung und lernt so nebenbei auf natürliche Art und Weise eine Fremdsprache."

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